Jouni Hynyne missed his wife during the filming of Vain läämää – He came up with an amusing substitute

Jouni Hynynen’s inventiveness has amused many of his social media followers.

The wife-substitute developed by Jouni Hynynsen made many of his social media followers laugh. Pete Anikari

Singer of the band Kotitellisuus Jouni Hynynen53, revealed the story Only life – program, which has cheered up many of his social media followers.

Hynynen tells Instagram– in his publication that he was struck by the actress who missed his wife very much during filming Mari Perankoska53. Great longing drove him to extreme measures.

– I missed my wife, so I made a substitute in my room, because my car is full of her clothes, Hynynen opens in his post.

In the picture, Perankoski’s replacement is a wooden block resting on a pillow, on which glasses are placed. A body has been created for Halo with a green lace dress and flower patterned shoes. The character has alcohol bottles in his hands.

– After all, this is significantly more boring than Mari Perankoski, but there are some advantages. He serves carillo, Hynynen states, referring to the alcoholic drink at the same time.

The comment field on Hynynen’s post has been filled with laughing emoticons in less than two hours. Some are amused by the musician’s ingenuity, but many agree with Hynynen’s opinion that Halkoninen is not better than Perankoski.

Wrapper the clothes of the old man.

– Today’s straw man.

– Creativity to glory.

– The attitude is missing… it will be diluted, but sadly, something can help, or make it worse.

– This is too quiet. You miss your wife’s lipstick the most.

The couple got married in Lappeenranta in September 2016. They celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary on September 3, but they have been together for about 13 years already. They said in an interview with Iltalehti in May 2021 that they are quite knowledgeable about each other’s work, even though they work in different fields.

– Yes, from time to time I had to humbly go to someone with a paper in hand and ask if someone is a little wrong here. Mari, on the other hand, might have me read a script, and I might get an idea related to it, Hynynen said in the interview.

– When you’ve been writing on your own for even two months, you have to do it sometimes. Then you’ll know that I’ll probably get to listen to something this good in the evening myself, Perankoski added.

Only life on Fridays at Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Mari Perankoski and Jouni Hynynen in an interview with IL-TV in 2021.
