Joseba, alirón | Article by José María de Loma about the new mayor of Pamplona

It is not known if they sang alirón, alirón or Asirón, Asirón. The fact is that half of Pamplona cheered him on the other day in the city center. Old Pamplona is one of the cities with the most feelings in the air. Raw. The other half also screamed, and roars and feels that something that belongs to them has been stolen. They like the word usurpation. The devil has gotten into their kitchen. The new mayor of Pamplonawho was already between 2015 and 2020, member of Bildu, young man, doctor in art and professor of Basque at the concertada, He has come to office with the votes of the PSOE, the party that said it would never agree with Bildu, that it would never provide a seat for the nationalist formation.

Bildu has conquered the sentimental capital of those who believe in the story of independent Euskal Herria and seven territories north and south of the Pyrenees. Not even those of the PNV believe in that, since they have enough to believe in their own possibilities to continue being the party with the most votes in Euskadi. But those from Bildu, the new batches at least, are no longer about that scam and are about promoting laws that benefit, as they like to say, “the people.” We have had several examples of that these days. Like the Law that will prevent evictions of vulnerable people. Bildu is a government party. From the Spanish Government. It is a state party. They help their governance.

They talk more about electric bonus than independence. However, there are still repugnant elements in that coalition – Sortu, not IU, EA or Aralar – who do not condemn ETA’s crimes if they did not directly participate in them. Disgusting. The formation is going two steps forward and one step back while we hope that one day they will carry out a true exercise of self-criticism about the damage caused by ETA, the greatest toxic agent that Spanish democracy has ever had.

But let’s go back to Joseba Asirón, it is not going to happen to us like those of the PP, that any topic is good to start talking about ETA even when ETA stopped killing many years ago, even when, as now, the radical independents do what we have always asked of them: that they practice politics and put down the guns. Let them defend their ideas by other methods: that is what Asiron did, who he disowned the band a long time ago and who knows a lot about defending, it is not in vain that he did his doctoral thesis in Art History on the lineage towers, defensive towers of medieval Navarra. Now that is art, what they would say in the South. You have to have art, but above all patience and tenacity to lock yourself up for a few years to study files and go out from time to time to the countryside, not to look at sparrows, clouds, streams or starlings, if there are starlings in Navarra, right? To look at towers, bastions, castles, buildings, archaeological remains. Asirón knows about history and yet he is abertzale, which means patriot. A patriot who wants his small country to be annexed by a larger one that in turn breaks away from an even larger one. A mess of homelands, yes. However, he has not made a mess of his goal: he always wanted to be mayor of Pamplona.

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It would seem that since he was little, if Asirón has ever been a boy or small. Our protagonist was born on April 14, a fact that in itself makes you a republican or at least reticent about the monarchy. He studied in Zaragoza, denying upon his return that nationalism is cured by traveling. He has always defined himself as a Navarrese Basque speaker. In 1998, in response to the murder by ETA of the Pamplona councilor Tomás Caballero, Asiron signed, along with 133 other personalities from the world of culture, a manifesto condemning terrorism, all while with Caballero’s warm body, the day after his murder. , others of his formation remained impassive.

Assyron represents a progressive majority that has more votes than the conservative majority. Author of books, among them, The Gothic Stately Palace in Rural Navarra, very suitable for spending an afternoon with him and not leaving home, now he will have to deal with more prosaic and less medieval matters: traffic, cleaning, traffic jams , parking, citizen security, tourist flats, the device for San Fermín or the tourist promotion of Pamplona at tourism fairs. For example. That, the day to day citizen problems, are challenges, here, in Pamplona, ​​in the Basque Country or in Beijing.
