Jort Kelder under heavy fire after a fierce joke about suicide: ‘BAH!’

Jort Kelder is under heavy fire after a fierce joke about suicide. The Op1 presenter is also addressed by a number of celebrities, including Nynke de Jong, Henk Spaan and Tim Hofman.


One of the topics in Jort Kelder’s latest podcast is the mental wellbeing of the millennial generation. According to the Op1 presenter, they can hardly deal with ‘some mischief’. He talks about it in his podcast with the well-known psychiatrist Esther van Fenema, who regularly encounters this in practice.

Serious joke Jort

Jort thinks it’s a bit weak. “You often hear with those millennials… They had a decent childhood, all effortless, cheering for the house and then they have their first really hard performance interview with their boss and that is of course not the intention that there is suddenly criticism. And then they call in sick afterwards.”

Esther: “I see young people at the crisis service who come there, are suicidal, no longer want to, because a relationship has ended or because an exam has not been passed.”

Jort laughs. “It might be better if those people end it if you don’t pass your exam. My God say.”


The criticism of Jort is immense. “And Jort Kelder is happily petting his cat because everyone is savagely pumping that stupid fragment of him around. Leave that man. It’s leaky prostate talk. He wants you to bite,” tweets TV personality Nynke de Jong.

Tim Hofman makes fun of Jort. “A different color of make-up for a fantasy figure or a boy with nail polish and the average boomer is already knocked out: can this generation really be that bad at just about anything ever? We ask Suzan (9) and Ahmed (6) in the new Telekids!”

And Henk Spaan: “Some boys who were bullied at school and who are called Jort, become like that.”

Incitement to suicide

Others accuse Jort of inciting suicide and ask him to report on social media. “Tasteful, encouraging people to put an end to it,” says YouTube content creator Bram de Wijs.

Attorney Sidney Smeets: “Maybe we shouldn’t normalize inciting suicide. Just an idea.”

And one Dennis: “Reported that message as pathways to suicide. Do others want to do that too? Thanks.”


The fragment:
