Jort Kelder has never shared the bed with Mark Rutte

Jort Kelder may have very close contact with Mark Rutte, but he has never touched the fly of the Prime Minister. “I don’t tickle intimate friends in the wrong places.”


It has been well known for years that Jort Kelder maintains a close friendship with Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Some critics think that this makes him not credible as a host of the talk show Op1. Nonsense, he thinks: “I have never been a member of any party, but because I know Rutte, can I not present Op1? What nonsense.”


Weekend magazine wonders how close that friendship really is. After all, the gentlemen are regularly spotted during one-on-one activities. “I do have the phenomenon of good intimate friends, but I don’t tickle them in the wrong places,” the presenter explains in the magazine.

Jort denies that he also gets tingling in certain places from men. “Whether I prefer men? Not to my knowledge, no.”

no affair

According to the Weekend, Jort is very confident. “Speculations from the past that something romantic would be going on with his bosom friend Mark Rutte, with whom he also takes many boat trips, make him laugh.”

Jort: “No, definitely not.”


Finally: what about Jort’s agenda? Is he going to do something else besides Op1? “I don’t have a new TV program, there are new programs coming, but I don’t know which one yet,” he says at an NPO party. “And so I’m not in a relationship, I’m not in love.”

“I am a millionaire. But that’s everyone here, I hope.”


An intimate photo of Jort and Mark:
