Jort Kelder asks Gijs Groenteman live on TV about the affair

Uncomfortable television: Jort Kelder told his host Gijs Groenteman live on television yesterday about the rumors about his alleged affair with a lady from de Volkskrant.


Jort Kelder was recently shown a lot of irritation on television when Art Rooijakkers continued to see through him about his acquired poop accent and his love life. And Jort had absolutely no sense in a repetition of moves last night when he sat at the table in the moderately watched talk show Marcel & Gijs.

Pathetic fragment

At one point, host Gijs Groenteman recalls: “I recently saw a very sad fragment. Then you were a guest at Art Rooijakkers about how you kind of gave up on love in your life.”

George: “Is that so? I haven’t seen that, to be honest, but I’ve heard it.”

Gijs: “You do know that you met Art Rooijakkers, don’t you? He was with you on the floor.”

Jort: “That was two months ago. It was a cold spring, in March.”

Gijs: “Yes, talk about it, but you had given up on love.”

Jort points to affair

Gijs continues: “Have you given up love in your life, Jort?”

Jort: “No, well… I am alone, but… Well alone, I am not really alone at all.”

Gijs: “Because?”

George: “Because? This is none of your business, man! I don’t feel like talking about this at all!”

Then Jort casually mentions the rumors about Gijs’ alleged cheating: “I hear you switch wives all the time and stuff. I would like to know how you do that.”

Gijs: “I don’t want to think about it quite frankly, Jort. But what did you want to say?”

Jort: “No, I didn’t really want to say anything.”

Affair with Jip?

Juicehyena Yvonne Coldeweijer revealed a month and a half ago that Gijs would have had an affair with Volkskrant image columnist Jip van den Toorn. By-catch, because her juice was actually about the quarrel between Marc-Marie Huijbregts and Aaf Brandt Corstius. Their break would have been caused by that affair.

Because of the alleged cheating, Aaf would have temporarily moved in with Marc-Marie, after which they got into a steamy argument under one roof. Everyone involved is still very secretive about what happened: Marc-Marie even got pissed off when Eva Jinek asked him about that break in her talk show.

Update from Yvonne

Yvonne is coming on her today juice channel incidentally with an update on the alleged affair between Gijs and Jip. “Hahaha, Jip had put out her reactions on Insta for a while, because she was criticized from all sides. Aaf and Gijs are still together and act to the outside world as if nothing is wrong,” she writes.

She continues: “It seems to me that the relationship is being worked on behind the scenes. What I did hear is that Aaf was never allowed a dog by Gijs and when he had had the affair, she used this as leverage to push the dog through. But this is neighborhood gossip, don’t quote me on it.”

Dog gossip

A spy from Yvonne about that dog gossip:
