Jorge Rey warns of the “explosive cyclogenesis” that puts all of Spain on red alert

11/05/2023 at 11:25


The arrival of several storms has caused unstable weather on the Peninsula

The young meteorologist predicted the storm Filomena

After starting an autumn with historical heat records, about three weeks ago the AEMET put Spain on alert due to the arrival of several storms that would affect the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

In recent days, there have been Celine storms and Ciarán, that have caused strong winds and rains in different areas of Spain. Now, meteorologists have warned of the arrival of Sundays, a new Atlantic storm that will affect the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, leaving unstable weather, with an intense wind and coastal storm.

Jorge Rey, The young meteorologist recognized for his accurate predictions, especially when he warned of the storm Filomena, has defined Domingos as “the explosive cyclogenesis that puts us on red alert.”

Rey has commented that the storm crosses from northwest to southeast, “leaving the extreme risk by sea combined from 8 to 11 meters throughout the northern coast of the country during Saturday and Sunday.” In addition, it has warned of rain, especially in Galicia, due to risk of suffering “100 liters of accumulation in one day.”

The meteorologist has explained that there is a “anticyclone well established in the Azores” which will cause the arrival of rain on Monday the 6th and Tuesday the 7th to the Canary Islands. Next week will be much calmer throughout the Peninsula, although it will remain somewhat unstable in Galicia and the Cantabrian area.

The young man has highlighted a saying to ensure that the cold is already coming: “For San Martino (November 3), winter is on the way; If they tell him ‘stop’, he arrives at San Clemente, and, even if he is late, for San Andrés (November 30) has already arrived”.
