Jordi Puigneró, the vice president who never convinced Junts

Jordi Puigneroexpert in digital policies, coming from the political quarry that Junts has in Sant Cugat del Valles, was Vice President of the Government almost by accident. The logic behind the elections of February 14, 2021 led to placing Laura Borrascandidate for the presidency of the Generalitat, as a Junts heavyweight in the Government of Pere Aragones after the ERC-Junts pact. But Borràs refused to be below Aragonès in the organizational chart and reserved the institutional weight offered by the presidency of the Parliament. Then the name of Puigneró came up.

A Puigneró who came to be seen favorably by the ‘ex-president’ Carles Puigdemont in the past as a presidential profile. Puigdemont is in love with new technologies applied to politics and management, and Puigneró is an expert in them. But the until now vice-president of the Government did not meet the candidate profile that is needed for these tasks. And he didn’t apply. The proof of his slim chances of success is that Borràs in the primaries against another management profile and strictly as the ‘exconseller’ Damia Calvet. So Puigneró reserved.

And he agreed to the vice-presidency in the face of Borràs’s refusal and so that none of the families of joints he will end up imposing himself in a position that always has a certain profile and projection for the future. But it soon became clear that Puigneró would not play this role, but that of a certain balance between internal sectors.

no leadership

what happened to him dismissal of Puignero, paradoxically, is something that Junts has considered on its own initiative. Puigneró’s year and a half at the helm of the vice-presidency has not served, according to the ‘consellers’ of Junts, for him to lead the members of the Govern of this party, nor for him to set a profile -with some exceptions- against Aragonès.

Puigneró has opted throughout his mandate for a management profile, rather discreet and far removed from the tone of charges such as Borràs. He has taken refuge in his specialty, the digital policiesand has ceded the political weight of the party to the general secretaries: before jordi sanchez and now Jordi Turull. And in the Government, the leading role of the post-convergent half has been capitalized by the ‘conseller’ of Economy, James Giroas the forger of the budgets and for his increasingly undisguised intention to continue playing in the future in the political field of Junts, a party to which he has recently joined.

Nevertheless, Puignero has always been loyal to Aragonès, and has wanted to underline it. In the crisis over the composition of the dialogue table with the Government, he adopted an attitude of responsibility and not breaking. And on the matter of the expansion of the airport, he defended the agreement with the Government despite the fact that Junts was entrenched in rejecting any alliance with the central Executive. There Puigneró did show a certain profile and surprised his party.

raise the tone

After the Junts congress this summer, the formation decided to raise the tone against Aragonès and ERC. Y Puigneroby his own will or dragged by this tactic, already showed public discrepancies. He met with the ANC after the ‘president’ did and distanced himself from Aragonès’s position with respect to the entity, for example.

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Paradoxically, when Puigneró has always cultivated his political portrait in terms of seriousness, discretion and loyalty to Aragonès in the Govern, has been dismissed by him for not informing him of the question of confidence that he knew that Junts was going to raise him in Parliament. Puigneró was one of the few he knew that such a challenge would occur.

Now, if Junts continues in the Govern, he can manage -and that is another paradox- to overcome the problem he had with Puigneró and place a leader who marks more distances with the head of the Govern as number two of Aragonès.
