Joran van der Sloot ready to be (temporarily) extradited to the US | Abroad

The extradition of Joran van der Sloot to the United States has started. This is reported by ‘De Telegraaf’. The Dutchman is the main suspect in the disappearance of the American Natalee Holloway. The 18-year-old girl went missing in 2005 during a school trip to Aruba.

Van der Sloot was transported early in the night from Friday to Saturday from the infamous Challapalca prison in Peru to a prison in the capital Lima. The transport took place under very heavy security.

Last week, Van der Sloot reportedly got involved in a brawl. Afterwards, he had to be treated in the prison’s medical ward.

According to justice sources in Peru, Van der Sloot will be flown to the American state of Alabama in two to three days. There he will stand trial for the extortion and fraud of Holloway’s parents.

Until now, Van der Ditch has been held in the highly secured Challapalca prison. © AP

Legal wrangling

The temporary transfer puts an end to days of legal wrangling between Peru and the Alabama prosecutor. The Peruvian judiciary wanted more guarantees that Van der Sloot will return to the US after his trial to serve the remaining part of his sentence for the murder of Stephany Flores and his drug trafficking. The US has now committed to that.

The Dutchman must remain behind bars in Peru until 2045. Only then would he be able to go to Alabama to serve his sentence for the fraud.

Natalee Holloway was last seen leaving a bar with Van der Sloot.
Natalee Holloway was last seen leaving a bar with Van der Sloot. © AP


Holloway was last seen leaving a bar with Van der Sloot. The body of the American student was never found and Van der Sloot was ultimately not prosecuted for her disappearance. In 2010, he promised to take Holloway’s family to her body in exchange for $250,000. “After Holloway’s mother paid him one-tenth of that amount, he took the family to a place where he knew Natalee would not be found,” the US federal prosecutor said.

Van der Sloot married the Peruvian Leydi Figueroa in 2014 in the maximum security prison where he is held. That same year, Figueroa gave birth to a daughter.

Van der Sloot received 28 years in prison for the murder of Stephany Flores.
Van der Sloot received 28 years in prison for the murder of Stephany Flores. © photo_news
