Joodse vrouw in Lyon neergestoken, woning beklad met swastika | Buitenland

The father should have two eyes on his head, his hair should be in two places. Afterwards, the father is on the flight. The battle offer is only possible, according to the report from the French broadcaster BFMTV on the basis of a policy. The advocate of the slachtoffer will bet that he has a klacht zal ingediend because of “poging tot doodslag”.

“Deze gewelddaad is unthinkable. I had my heart in my family’s hair, from Burgemeester Gregory Doucet of Lyon op

A word of politics can still be treated as an anti-Semitic daad. In a word, the report was sent to the name of anti-Semitic and Islamophobic misdrijven in the wake of the terror organization Hamas on Israel on October 7th.

KIJK. Uitgelegd: what is Hamas?
