Jonker praises Lukkien: ‘But do I have an accent then?’

FOOTBALL – FC Emmen coach Dick Lukkien stood in front of the camera of RTV Drenthe with a broad grin on his face. Not because his team sent the opponent from pillar to post on Sunday afternoon, but because of the nice words he received from Andries Jonker, Telstar’s trainer.

“Dick is really underestimated as a trainer. If a Willem II or Go Ahead Eagles is looking for a new trainer, I never hear the names Dick Lukkien or Henk de Jonge. They must have the wrong accent or something,” Jonker said after end of the match between FC Emmen and Telstar that ended in a victory in Drenthe: 2-1.

‘Do I have an accent then?’

Lukkien appreciated the words: “Andries is a highly valued colleague. You don’t say something like that about yourself, but it’s nice that he pronounces it.” When asked if he has the wrong accent, Lukkien replied with a laugh: “Do I have an accent?”

The trainer wanted to switch the topic somewhat uncomfortably: “We are now talking about me for a minute and a half. I don’t like that at all.” He wanted to wait with that until promotion is a fact.

Solid second half

The coach did not see his team get confused after the equalizer just before half time by Glynor Plet. “In retrospect, I think it marks the development of our team. That we didn’t get confused and actually played a very solid second half,” said Lukkien. “The only thing I can blame my players after the break is that we did not distance themselves from Telstar earlier.”
