Joni Vesalainen returned to JJK – interview

Joni Vesalainen, the colorful face of Finnish football, is trading again in Jyväskylä.

Joni Vesalainen remembers the JJK boom well. Now there is something similar in the air, he believes. Mikko Vehviläinen

On the wall of JJK Jyväskylä’s office, which can be found in the courtyard of Harju Stadium, is a picture of the first major achievement of Finnish basketball, the team that reached the bronze medal match at the European Youth Championship in 1981.

The team photo also includes the host of the study room, Joni Vesalainenwho is better known than basketball as the background influencer of ball clubs.

Vesalainen, who became known as a salesman for the ice hockey SM league company and numerous league clubs, is busy again with his great love, football from Jyväskylä.

– I was gone for six years. I see the time as in-service training, says Vesalainen, who himself played football at B-junior level.

“Training” included pesti as sales director of the SM league and two years of work at Rauma’s Luko, Mikkeli’s Jukurei and Seinäjoki’s Football Club.

Vesalainen’s eyes light up when he tells about the current situation and plans of his club, which is making a new rise.

There is something in the air like in 2007, when he started his previous job at Harju. At that time, the club was purposefully promoted first to the Veikkausliiga and then, with the medal position, to the Eurocourts.

– We were able to give birth to a great boom. We had an excellent body from Jyväskylä in the team, which helped in building community and engaging the audience.

Success is a good catalyst, but Vesalainen says that according to research, only seven percent of the public come to the game because of the final result.

– We played 26 home matches in the league, of which we won only three. Still, our average viewership was around 3,500 and we were awarded for the marketing work of the year, Vesalainen recalls.

At risk

Joni Vesalainen invested his own money in JJK when the limited company was founded. Mikko Vehviläinen

JJK’s peak years were built with great financial risk. With the set goals, first promotion and then a European place, it was possible to prolong the escalation of the problems.

– Already in the first season, we practically had to go up. After that, I had to create a limited company, in which I put my own money. At the beginning, half of the share capital was used to pay the club’s old debts. The Europels gave a little relief, but without them we made the season a big minus.

Vesalainen considers the Veikkausliiga to be an economically unhealthy league.

– In the SM league, everything is invested in the development of their own product and five are cut from the European games, while football bows down and seeks money from Europe, because its own series is only a way to get there. This easy money has completely disabled the development of the Veikkausliiga. There are only two ways: resort to patronage or seek money from European games.

The biggest problem is the small number of matches.

– What company can withstand the fact that income is only received for 13 days a year, when the salary has to be paid for 365 days? And you can’t ask for too much from a thirteen-game season ticket, unlike 30 games on the disc. We have the longest training season in the world, but we don’t want to play games that would bring operational conditions to our football.

An empty jacket

Having burned himself out at JJK, Vesalainen is aware of the financial challenges of Suomi futs. Mikko Vehviläinen

Healthy lifestyles helped with stress tolerance. The sober man is said to have run fifteen kilometer runs in Jyväskylä, during which he had to do a thousand push-ups.

In the end, even Vesalainen’s jacket was still empty in JJK’s risky game.

– I was CEO and owner at the same time. I completely burned myself out. I still don’t regret anything, because we had wonderful experiences with people. However, I had to come up with something else, so I set out on new challenges. The wiser ones said that you are at your best in sales and marketing, and since then I haven’t accepted the CEO’s insults.

Nowadays, he works as JJK’s sales and marketing director.

– I don’t even want to know about the buying side. They tell me what amount needs to be collected and I take care of it.


According to his words, Vesalainen does not spread clichés or look for friends. Mikko Vehviläinen

Along with sales, Vesalainen has mentioned that his mission is to drive people crazy. In later years, he was often seen in the supporters’ stands, sometimes even grilling the opponent’s goalkeeper.

A colorful character always shares opinions in a gray country.

– I throw myself into my work and I am completely on my own side. I don’t distribute clichés, and I don’t look for friends. Not everyone likes these things, but I can have a clear conscience that at least I haven’t lied. I am just being myself.

Community first

JJK is building its new future more moderately than before.

– Money problems are well in our memory, so it’s not worth going to the Veikkausliiga if there is no cash. Yes, we know how to get there quickly, but so what? “Individual wins in league matches are of no importance if they are achieved with players acquired from elsewhere, who do not bind the community in any way,” says Joni Vesalainen.

Without patronage support, the upper series levels require the organization of side events.

– When playing in the first division, we must be able to organize one event like Harju Rock every year, but in the Veikkausliiga there must be two or three events.

The body of the current team is completely local.

– By giving our own players a chance, we get this parents, friends and girlfriend in our community. It could be that our goal is in the middle class of Ykkönen, so that half of the players are home grown and the games have 2,000–3,000 spectators. We already have a bigger audience average in Kakkones than a couple of league clubs.

The public is also attracted to Harju’s galleries with different themes and thrills.

– For this season, we returned the promise of free potted coffees if the sun doesn’t shine at the home game. The same promise is valid if we score three goals in the match. In addition, we try to get organizations involved in every home game through a theme and thereby fulfill our social responsibility.

According to Vesalainen, it is important that the club is visible in the community other than in its few home games.

– For example, we have already had a blood donation cooperation with SPR for fifteen years and we also do, for example, school tours related to bullying. JJK also wants to be the most carbon-neutral football club in Finland. We can’t take big leaps, because we are renting the city’s premises. In our home games, recycling bins are still in use, for example.

The same list also includes Vesalainen’s streamlined electric car, which with its fox stickers turns heads in the university town.

The city will renovate the stadium into a covered 5,000-seat sanctuary for 2026. However, Vesalainen’s moped is not going to show off.

– In five years, JJK will be playing at the league level they want and will be on a sound financial footing and create experiences for the locals, Vesalainen sums up.


Born: 17.8.1964 in Jyväskylä

Career in sports: Metso-Lentis, OrPo, JJK, JyP, SM-liiga, Lukko, Jukurit, SJK

Current job role: Sales and Marketing Director of JJK Jyväskylä

Change: Former major league basketball player

About tasks:


– I worked at JYP for the first seven limited company years. Every year we only fought for the last playoff spots, so that thing started to be seen.

SM league

– Helsinki was like a candy store for the salesman, because there were so many companies. It was awful going to watch the games when you couldn’t be on anyone’s side.


– Rauma was absolutely amazing both in terms of its environment and as a sports city. I missed there. Every Romanian had something to say about Luko.


– I got a big role in Mikkeli and we managed to build Heimo bigger. I think we set a record by selling out eleven regular season games.


– I saw a great framework, but I felt that I failed a little in the task, because I didn’t get to work to build a sense of community.
