Joko Winterscheidt and About You put socks on TV

Cheerio and co-founder Joko Winterscheidt launch the sock brand’s first TV campaign.

Three 30-second TV spots have been airing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since April 1, Cheerio announced on Friday. Various characters can be seen singing together with Winterscheidt about the brand and its connection to socks.

Cheerio TV Spot | Photo: Cheerio

The idea for this came about together with director Lars Timmermann and About You. The Hamburg online retailer not only offers the socks, co-managing director Tarek Müller is also one of the Cheerio founders. In addition to Müller and Winterscheidt, Eva Maskow, founder of the hosiery brand Too Hot To Hide, and Camano founder Thomas Moissl are also part of the founding team of the sock brand.

The Cheerio Sock Song Full Length | Video: About You via YouTube

Cheerio was founded last year as a more sustainable sock label. The socks, made from GOTS-certified organic cotton, are produced “without leaving an ecological footprint”, according to the statement. The brand plants trees in a forest in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to compensate for CO2 emissions.
