Joko and Klaas leave their Instagram accounts to Iranian women





Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf have given up their Instagram accounts for a good cause – from now on two Iranian women will be posting on the high-reach channels and using the popularity of the two moderators to draw attention to the protests in Iran.

The Heufer-Umlauf account was taken over by Sarah Ramani, who shared a video of the street protests in Iran. Winterscheidt’s channel will now be run by women’s rights activist Azam Jangravi. Together, the women have a reach of two million people who previously followed the two popular celebrities.

The broadcaster ProSieben also praised the action on Twitter with the following words: “Incredibly strong. Joko and Klaas leave their private Instagram accounts to two women from Iran – forever. To be visible. To make visible what is happening in Iran. To show us all the truth.”

The moderators of “Joko and Klaas versus ProSieben” had previously won 15 minutes of broadcasting time on ProSieben and also devoted them to events in Iran. Women in the country have been taking to the streets for several weeks. After the death of the Iranian Mahsa Amini, which was apparently a result of violence by the vice squad, more and more people are protesting against the oppression of women in Iran. Headscarves are burned, some women cut their hair. But due to the strict Internet censorship in Iran, only a few pictures and videos are made public. That should now change with the takeover of Jokos and Klaas’ Link.




