Johnson visits Rwanda, hopes to change ‘condescending ideas’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is going to Rwanda on Thursday and hopes his visit to the country will help people get rid of their “condescending ideas” about the African country, he told reporters before boarding the plane.

Johnson and the British heir apparent Charles meet Thursday in the Rwandan capital Kigali, during a meeting of leaders of the British Commonwealth. According to media reports, the prince would have called the British government’s plans to pay the Rwandan government 120 million pounds (139 million euros) to receive asylum seekers “terrible”.

Earlier this month, the European Court of Human Rights blocked a flight that would take asylum seekers from the United Kingdom to Kigali. On Wednesday, the British government presented a law to circumvent the human rights court.

Johnson said he would also speak with Rwandan President Paul Kagame about the plan on Thursday.
