Johnson to talk to Putin to ‘avoid bloodshed in Europe’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will discuss the situation around Ukraine with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the coming days, and will also visit countries in Eastern Europe. This was stated by the representative of Downing Street, reports Reuters.

“The Prime Minister is determined to step up diplomatic efforts and containment to avoid bloodshed in Europe,” the spokeswoman said.

According to her, the conversation between Putin and Johnson will take place during “this week”, during the conversation he will again talk about “the need for Russia to step back and act diplomatically.”

TASS learned about Britain’s plans to tighten sanctions against Russia

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss will also come to Russia for talks, sources said. TASS and “RIA News”. According to the interlocutor of the agencies, the minister initiated the contact, Moscow agreed to talks between Truss and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in February.


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