Johnny Depp wins in libel case, Amber Heard has to pay ex millions | gossip

Depp was right on all counts, Heard in her case only on a few points. She will be awarded two million for accusations that Depp made her through his lawyer.

The damages Heard must pay consists of $10 million in damages and “punitive” damages (punitive damage) of $5 million. In the state of Virginia, the punitive damage up to $350,000.

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Amber Heard is told the verdict.

Amber Heard is told the verdict.

Domestic violence

The case between Depp and Heard has been ongoing since April 11. The actor sued his ex-wife after she wrote an opinion piece for the American newspaper in 2018 The Washington Post† She said she was a victim of domestic violence. Although Depp was not mentioned by name, according to the actor it would be obvious to readers that it was about him.

Depp sued Heard for $50 million. She filed a counterclaim for $100 million. The former lovers have both testified in court. Witnesses were also heard for both the actor and the actress.

Earlier we recorded this video about the absurd lawsuit.
