Johnny Depp: surprise concert with Jeff Beck

La legal battle between Johnny Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard it could end as early as today. But the actor flew in a few days ago England.

He reached friend Jeff Beck and played (and sang) with him by surprise on the Sheffield stage.

The performance with Jeff Beck: is it just the first of many?

The process is among the most talked about in history. And the verdict could arrive today, Tuesday 31 May. But apparently the actor is not going to sit idle. In fact, he took a plane and flew to England.

The destination? Sheffieldwhere the friend Jeff Beck had a concert scheduled. During the live, the audience was speechless when they saw Johnny Depp climbing the stage steps.

The two played Isolation, cover by John Lennon that the two had already recorded together two years ago. It goes without saying that the song has returned to the charts in recent weeks, given the media hype surrounding the trial. And, above all, to the figure of Depp.

But that’s not all. Johnny Depp and Jeff Beck offered the audience a cover of What’s Going On by Marvin Gaye and an interpretation of Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix.

According to Telegraphthe actor (who had started his own career as a musician) may join Jeff Beck’s other tour dates as wellthus deciding not to attend the verdict.

Could it be true? We’ll see…

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard at the 2016 Grammys in Los Angeles. Credits: John Shearer / WireImage

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: we are in the final stages

As already mentioned todayTuesday 31 May, the jury of the trial that Johnny Depp brought forward against his ex-wife will meet again.

It is a process for defamation against Amber Heard who in 2018 had accused him (without mentioning him directly) of Domestic violence. She had done so in an article published in the Washington Post.

The actor has asked for damages of 50 million dollarsexplaining that – since that moment – there have been not a few film projects that have skipped, given the damage to the image it had suffered. The ex-wifefor its part, he replied asking him for double the money.

The process, amidst very popular YouTube live shows and demonstrations of support around America, is one of the most important media events of recent years. This is demonstrated by the crowds of fans (and not) outside the court. Ready to find out how this never ending story will end.

