‘Johnny Depp let his dog hang out of the window of a moving car’ | gossip

The relationship with Depp was, according to Amber, “an ongoing battle with occasional breaks.” According to her, March 2013 in particular was a succession of allegations of cheating. When it became too much for her, she enlisted Johnny Depp’s sister. When the three of them are in the car, for reasons that are unclear, things would have gotten out of hand again.

“He had his window down. At one point he starts howling through the window and grabbed Boo, his dog, a slightly fatter Yorkshire terrier. He grabs Boo and keeps Boo out of the moving car’s window. He howls like an animal while holding the dog out the window. Everyone in the car froze. Nobody did anything. I myself was torn about what to do. I didn’t want to do anything that would make him let go of the dog. (…) Finally I pulled his arms back into the car and got the dog back on the couch.”

According to Amber Heard, she loved the actor very much and only later realized that she had to leave him. “I fell head over heels for this man. I felt like he knew me and saw me like no one else. I had the feeling that he understood me, where I came from. When I was with him, I felt like the most beautiful person in the whole world.” That love was also a reason she didn’t leave him sooner, she says. She called the process “the most painful and difficult” of her experience.

On Tuesday, the first day her side of the case was heard, a domestic violence expert explained why women stay with a man who abuses them.
