Johnny Depp is never going to work with Disney again

Johnny Depp does not plan to return to Disney films and plans to focus on music and directing in the future.

Johnny Depp photographed at the Cannes Film Festival in May. PDO

Actor Johnny Depp, 59, has no plans to ever work with Disney again, Daily Mail reveal.

Despite speculation, the actor is not returning to the Pirates of The Caribbean film franchise, although reports suggest he could earn up to $20 million upon his return.

Depp’s friend says the actor was outraged by Disney’s treatment when his ex-wife Amber Heard accused him of domestic violence.

Last week, the chairman of Walt Disney Studios Sean Bailey made global headlines when he said Disney is “non-committal” about Depp’s return. The comment was seen as a gamble after the actor won a lawsuit last year.

Depp said in Cannes that while he doesn’t feel abandoned in Hollywood, he is angry about the way the allegations of intimate partner violence played out and has decided to focus on the rest of his life.

His friend says the actor has decided that no matter how lucrative the offer, he will never agree to return to this particular film. He also added that it is highly unlikely that he would agree to do any more studio films.

It is said that Depp will focus on music, art and directing art films in the future.

Depp is known, among other things, as Captain Jack Sparrow in the film series Pirates of the Caribbean.
