Johnny Depp did coke with my dad

While the spectacular defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is on hold this week, the allegations made against each other are of course still simmering. The obvious strategy of both parties is to make the other side appear as reprehensible and unbelievable as possible by disclosing intimate details. When Heard has to face cross-examination by Depp’s lawyers in the coming week, the stories, some of which are longer in the past, will be brought up again.

Heard recently testified that her ex-husband Johnny had had some nose coke with her father. Eight years ago, at the engagement party of the two in March 2014. While she had felt “like the happiest girl in the world” during the party at the snazzy Carondelet House in Los Angeles, the husband-to-be had suddenly disappeared.

“I’ve seen it. My dad was just as addicted to the same stuff as Johnny,” Heard said in the Fairfax, Virginia courtroom. “That evening one of them suddenly ran out of material. They needed supplies and left the party. My father then drove off with Johnny’s bodyguards…” At Heard’s request to come back to the engagement party, Depp just hissed, “Shut up.”

As the evening progressed, Depp would only have been “on it”, a visibly upset Heard reported. “He disappeared into the upstairs rooms for almost the entire party.”

The actress’ father, David Heard, who has been described as “addicted”, is now the focus of some trial observers. In an interview with the British magazine “Grazia” at the time, he was delighted at the liaison of his “girl”.

A song of praise for Johnny Depp, which from today’s perspective comes across as quite ambivalent: “I’m so glad that he’s in our family now. The age difference makes him a little bit closer to my age, so we get along great,” said Father Heard. “We have a lot of fun together – and he takes good care of my daughter, so what more could I ask for? He’s good for her and doing what’s right for her,” he gushed.
