Johnny Depp becomes Louis XV and directs a film about Modigliani

Johnny Depp he seems to have been artistically reborn after the positive outcome of the trial against Amber Heard: he started playing with Jeff Beck (he also made a stop in Italy), he returned to the set after three years of absence in the costume film Jeanne Du Barry where he interprets Louis XV and, last minute news, he will direct a feature film on Modigliani25 years after its controversial The brave.

Johnny Depp and Jeff Beck, the strange rock couple who drove Umbria Jazz crazy

In short Depp wants redemption after the accusations of the ex-wife, which prompted the majors to remove the star from franchise very successful like Pirates of the Caribbean And Fantastic beasts (in the last chapter of the saga it was replaced by Mads Mikkelsenin the role of the villain Grindelwald). May Depp be back again in the guise of Jack Sparrow? Everything is possible at this point.

Johnny Depp director of Modigliani

The actor finally returns to talk about his career and not his personal facts. Hollywood Reporter announced that Johnny Depp will direct the film Modiglianiproduced by none other than Al Pacino. The second direction comes 25 years after The brave, presented at the Cannes Film Festival. The film was cut short, and Depp hadn’t ventured behind the camera since.

Now the desire for redemption has pushed the actor to take a new step and direct the story of the Livorno painter, died at the age of 35 in Paris. The film, based on a play by Dennis McIntyreis set in the French capital of 1916 and tells the story of the artist and those two days that definitively changed his life. “I am honored and happy to bring the life of Modiglianimade up of great difficulties – he declared Depp – a universal human history that viewers can identify with ”.

Depp as Louis XV

Before picking up the camera, the actor returned to acting three years later in the costume drama Jeanne Du Barry, by the French director Maïwennalso interpreter of the protagonist Madame Du Barrymistress of King Louis XV (Johnny Depp).

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We are in the sixteenth century. The plot of the film (which perhaps we will see at Cannes Film Festival next year saw the assiduous presence of Maïwenn alla kermesse) follows the social rise of Jeanne Du Barry: from the working classes to the palace of Versailleswhere his presence caused scandal at court. Madame Du Barry was the last of the many lovers of Louis XV who reigned in France for nearly 60 years.

