Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: he changes his look, she goes to Spain change life, each in his own way. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard they have the same desire after years of media and legal battles. And they are doing it in a very different way. He is dedicating himself to musical passion and has decided to change his look, she has escaped undercover to Spain with her daughter.

Johnny Depp and Jeff Beck, the strange rock couple who drove Umbria Jazz crazy

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: the war between the two

In June the plaintiff won the libel suit against his ex-wife. According to the jury’s verdict, she must pay $ 15 million in damages for defaming him, he must pay her two. It ended like this one of the longest and most difficult divorces in Hollywood, with a lot of libel lawsuit and twists that continued even after the verdict. The Aquaman star, in fact, requested that the process is canceled and she declared herself still in love with her ex-husband. Now, however, waiting for the documentary that will tell the love and war between the two, apparently both are ready to leave everything behind. Starting over two different lives.

Amber Heard, new life undercover in Spain

The couple at the 2016 Grammy Awards (Getty)

The actress’s latest move is truly a breakthrough. Away from everything and everyone, even from fame. According to reports from the Spanish press and also reported by the news agency HandleAmber Heard would be went to live in Spain with her daughter Oonagh Paige, born a year and a half ago to a surrogate mother. The 36-year-old actress reportedly left California declaring bankruptcy and she would go to live in Mallorca in a village of just over a thousand inhabitants. It seems that she has even decided to use a false name to better protect your privacy.

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Johnny Depp, music and the change of look

The new life of the most famous pirate in the world, however, start with music and a new look. The actor’s passion for music is nothing new: for years, in fact, he started playing with his friend Jeff Beck. The two have performed both in Europe and in the USA, enjoying great success. Recently, however, they released a new album, 18. And during one of the last concerts in New York, a detail of the actor / singer did not go unnoticed: his new look. Goodbye mustache and goatee that for years have given it the typical Hollywood handsome and damned charm. Johnny Depp, in rock version, has a new face completely shaved. The images were shared on the Instagram fanpage of the star making the rounds of the web. But not completely convincing the followers: “Better with a mustache”, write some users in the comments.

