Johnny Depp accuses Amber Heard of assault with a vodka bottle

According to Johnny Depp, Amber Heard once threw a vodka bottle at him. As a result, the tip of one of his fingers was severed. In addition, Heard regularly insulted him.

Johnny Depp took the stand on the second day of his defamation lawsuit against Heard in Fairfax. Depp said the argument that saw his finger severed happened about a month after he married Amber Heard. At that time she had flown to Australia to visit him during the filming of the fifth part of “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

Marriage contract led to dispute

He cited the fact that he and Heard had not signed a marriage contract as the early cause of the dispute. The issue led to disputes before the wedding. Finally, the idea of ​​a marriage contract came up again. That’s why he asked his lawyers to meet with Heard to explain how such a contract works. After the meeting, she was very angry: “It escalated and escalated and turned into madness, chaos and violence,” said the actor.

Alcohol relapse and violent outburst

After the dispute, he had picked up the bottle again for many months and drank “two or three strong sips” of vodka. This made Heard all the more angry. Finally, she threw a first vodka bottle at him, but it smashed behind him. After taking another sip from another bottle, Heard said he grabbed the second bottle.

According to Depp, she threw the vodka bottle in his direction. It broke on his right hand and severed the tip of his middle finger: “To be honest, I didn’t feel any pain at first, just heat and a feeling like something was dripping down my hand. Then I looked down and realized that the tip of my finger had been severed and I was looking straight at my bones sticking out of the finger and the fleshy part of the inside of the finger.”

Heard claims Depp self-injured his finger, according to court documents.

Verbal and physical violence

Depp told jurors his relationship with Heard began deteriorating shortly after their 2015 wedding. “I was suddenly wrong about everything,” the actor said. He also denied ever hitting Heard. Rather, she was the one who abused him. He felt verbally decimated and Heard attacked him with endless insults.

In addition to the verbal violence, Heard also physically harmed him: “In her anger and rage she then struck. It started with a slap or a shove,” he said. “Sometimes she would throw a remote control at my head. Or throw a glass of wine in my face.”
