Johnny de Mol seems tired of TV career, Hélène Hendriks knows nothing

Johnny de Mol will not return to television for the time being, despite his name being cleared. He’s tired of it all. The standout? His replacement Hélène Hendriks doesn’t know anything yet.

© SBS 6

A friend of Johnny de Mol broke out of school yesterday in a big article by The Telegraph. It was expected that the presenter would soon return to the talk show table of HLF8, but nothing could be further from the truth. “It hasn’t gone unnoticed by him,” a close friend of his told the newspaper.

Johnny is fed up

Johnny is tired of it all. “Johnny has always said: if I’m right, I’ll be back on TV the next day. But now that the time has come, he doesn’t want to think about that just yet. The impact of the whole situation is far from over.”

He felt ‘hostage’ for a year and a half. “Media that did not want to wait to see how the police and justice did their work and that already had their own verdict ready. (…) Johnny is going on holiday for a while. He’s been more and more lethargic and agitated lately.”

flute whistler

The entire Mol family does not know how to deal with disappointments, the friend explains. “Of course he has always been a cheerful flierefluiter, a Sunday child who always had a good time in life. The same goes for Linda. When the wind suddenly blows from a different angle, it’s an experience you have to deal with, but it’s not easy.”

The intention is that Johnny now ‘goes on vacation for a while’. “Whether he will return to HLF 8? That will also depend on the decision taken by SBS 6 about that program.”

Hélène knows nothing

Hélène Hendriks, who reluctantly replaces Johnny in HLF8, would actually only replace him for two more weeks, until October. She doesn’t know at all that he wouldn’t want to return. “Yes, I understood that too. I read that in the newspaper today,” she told Today Inside last night.

The presenter: “It’s a bit bland perhaps to say, but Johnny called me a few times, but I was very busy yesterday with football of course and today I had to do everything, so I still have to call him back. I understand, but I don’t know anything else yet. I’ll probably hear some stuff on Monday.”

What does Leonie say?

What does Leonie ter Braak, his other replacement, say? She will switch to RTL in January. “Then I’m gone. I’ll be there until the end of December, yes. Will he return? I do not know. That’s what he’s thinking about. I have the feeling that Johnny wants to recover first.”

She also only read the newspaper article. “That’s a friend who said that; those were not his words in that big article in De Telegraaf today. Of course I spoke to him briefly on the day of the verdict and there I spoke to a Johnny who was very relieved, but also very tired of everything that happened to him.”

“Those were really tough years. Not only for him, but also for his wife and children.”
