Johnny de Mol responds extensively to hard criticism Johan Derksen

Johnny de Mol has responded extensively in HLF8 to Johan Derksen’s harsh criticism. “He says I can’t ask critical questions anymore, but then he’s never looked!”

© HLF8

Johan Derksen is known as the spokesperson for the De Mol family, but has dropped billionaire stelg Johnny de Mol quite a bit. The football analyst thinks, just like René van der Gijp, that the presenter is guilty of the abuse of Shima Kaes. He thinks that Johnny should step down as presenter of HLF8 for the time being.

HLF8 exit was an option

Johnny is not thinking about stopping, however, he said in HLF8 last night. There he responded in the preliminary conversation with wingman Rutger Castricum expanded on all the commotion. “Johnny de Mol, who is being questioned in his own talk show while the tears are in his eyes, is now a real classic,” Telegraaf columnist Kitty Herweijer chuckles.

Why doesn’t Johnny want to step down? That was a serious option, says the presenter. “Of course we gave it some serious thought and consideration, but in the end I think… I’m not going to let myself be pushed aside for something I’m accused of, which I know isn’t true.”

Inconvenience with guests

According to Johan Derksen, it is obvious that guests of HLF8 will feel very uncomfortable for the time being. Many celebrities, and certainly politicians, will wonder in the near future whether they would do well to appear at Johnny’s table. In addition, he thinks Johnny is tied with hands and feet during interviews about, for example, violent crimes.

How does Johnny view Johan’s criticism? “I think Derksen would have said: ‘With what is now on the table, that boy is actually no longer allowed to ask a critical question.’ Then he has never seen the program: I have never asked a critical question. So no, this is the story now and this is what we will have to deal with for now.”

On the street

Why does Johnny not respond to Shima’s vehement and detailed accusations that are already out there? “Doing that in the media is not an option anyway since this has been going on. And there is already quite a lot on the street. Being a Dutch celebrity has many great advantages, but that is a disadvantage and we have to take that into the bargain.”

Johnny says he’s innocent and hopes that will be proven soon. “That I’ve been biting my tongue off to say something for almost two years now… Hopefully that will go well soon that it will be okay again in the place where it belongs and there I will be able to defend myself.”

Johan stays there

Johan has already responded to Johnny’s statements in Today Inside. Although he doesn’t think Shima is completely stable, he still thinks Johnny better get off the tube. “He’s a bad boy and he’ll get out of situations like this, but of course it’s pretty serious when you have such a case hanging over your head.”

“The audience is watching… One half thinks: he did it, the other half thinks: he didn’t do it. Then you’re not so credible in your conversations, then you better just for a while… Huh? (…) You are not free to talk if this is hanging over your head. Then you have to leave for a while.”
