“John the Beaver needs to think a little more!”

Marc-Marie Huijbregts believes that John de Bever has commented on the discrimination of the queer community in an extremely trivial way. “He needs to think better!”


John de Bever had a very hard collision with Barbara Barend a month ago in the talk show HLF8. She sat there at the table with the makers of a podcast about the queer community, a community that is of course frequently confronted with discrimination. Crying, John thinks. According to him, everything is fine.

‘Think about it’

He is a nice man in itself, but John misses the point here, Marc-Marie Huijbregts thinks. “I recently saw him say in a program that there is no discrimination against gays and such. It was nice that John had found out… He turned it into something: ‘Yes, you’re doing that to yourself’”, explains the comedian in his podcast

Marc-Marie thinks that’s a bit short-sighted of John. “Then I think: yes, John, it is smart to think about it a little longer.”


John considers the situation far too much to himself, Marc-Marie thinks. “That was also the case with Zwarte Piet, of: ‘Yes, my Surinamese neighbor has no problem.’ It’s great that he doesn’t have a problem, but that’s not the thing at all.”

Colleague Aaf Brandt Corstius thinks that John has outdated ideas. “I always think it’s amazing when people can still have those kinds of opinions even in this day and age. Then so much has flown past you.”


Marc-Marie agrees. “I always find it sad when people can only think from within themselves, like: I don’t have a problem, so there is no problem!”

He concludes: “John de Bever should think about that a little longer.”


The podcast Marc-Marie and Aaf Find Something:
