John Malkovich: Denied entry to hotel due to invalid vaccination card

The actor John Malkovich is supposed to be filming the new crime series “The Talented Mr. Ripley”. But now an invalid vaccination certificate thwarted his plans. According to the Italian newspaper “Gazzettino”, Malkovich was therefore rejected at the hotel check-in.

The so-called “Super Green Pass” has been in force in Italy since December 2021. This regulates that only vaccinated or recovered people have access to closed rooms and public transport of any kind. The vaccinated persons therefore include all those who were not vaccinated more than nine months ago. It does not matter whether it is the second or third vaccination. With Malkovich, this was apparently a long time ago – his vaccination certificate was considered invalid.

Now the actor should first refresh his vaccination card in order to be able to return for the shooting. This should happen within a month at the latest. Malkovich is set to play an older version of the lead in The Talented Mr. Ripley. The novel, written by Patricia Highsmiths, was made into a film in 1999, starring Matt Damon.


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