John de Mol attacked by doll from Avastars

The dangers of artificial intelligence are incalculable: media billionaire John de Mol was attacked by one of his own Avastars dolls during a broadcast on NPO 1 last night.


Lately there has been a lot of attention for the dangers of artificial intelligence and that seems more than justified. Even John de Mol’s Avastars dolls, based on twenty-year-old technology, suddenly turn out to be able to turn against their own owner. It happened last night at the end of the broadcast of Even Tot Hier on NPO 1.

John under (Easter) fire

John was under fire throughout the entire episode in Even Tot Hier, for example when it came to Wopke Hoekstra and his CDA. “He has quite a big mouth for someone who loses his seats even faster than John de Mol’s viewers,” jokes Niels van der Laan.

And when it comes to the Easter fires, Niels sneered: “I was just really looking forward to it. Just this year. I really wanted to go there. I’ve seen the entire series of Avastars and I was so excited to burn my TV ritual!”

Old fashioned television

A little later it is about John’s megaflop Avastars, in which digital puppets had to dance and sing against each other. Jeroen Woe: “So John de Mol has been working on this for twenty years!”

Niels: “Yes, if he had put it on TV twenty years ago, it would still be old-fashioned!”

Avastars was won by the digital doll Jimmy Cool. What will he do now? Jeroen: “Yes, that’s the problem with those talent shows, isn’t it? Those winners get nowhere!”

Avastar attacks John

Fortunately, the men of Even Tot Hier are so sympathetic to offer Jimmy Cool a stage. At the end of the episode, he suddenly appears in the studio dancing, and then reads some quiz questions.

While reading those quiz questions, Jimmy suddenly decides to attack his own boss John de Mol with a particularly spicy joke about his scandal show The Voice of Holland.


After a quiz question about the twenty dead cats found in a Lelystad canal, Jimmy sneered: “You have to think like this: the cats at The Voice are in even worse shape.”

John must have been knocked back Blaricum style in his luxurious TV armchair, because that is not how he programmed Jimmy…
