Johanna Nurmimaa remembers Paula Sievinen’s violent plot pattern

Paula Sievinen will be seen again on Pihlajakatu.

Paula Sievinen makes a one-episode comeback. MTV3

The beloved character Paula Sievinen returns to Pihlajakatu, but only for a moment. Actor Johanna Nurmimaan played by Paula arrives from across the border to comfort Lasse when Nella’s heart is changed.

Paula was a central character in the series, who has appeared after her death alongside Lasse as well as a product of Aaron’s imagination.

– The absolute biggest lie is that you don’t grow old or gain weight in heaven. When I made the first ghosts, I thought, oh my god, yes, I can see that I have gained age and pounds, Nurmimaa laughs.

Lasse Sievis acting Timo Jurkka is Nurmimaa’s long-time work friend. Filming a recent scene brought emotions to the surface for both of them.

– We were crying when it was so beautifully written. Timo and I have such a long history. I really missed seeing you after a long time, says Nurmimaa.

Johanna Nurmimaa was moved by the beautiful scene. MTV3

A special encounter

Nurmimaa played Paula Sievi in ​​the series between 2004 and 2014. When Nurmimaa started, he had a long experience on theater stages and in the world of opera. With the hugely popular soap opera, he was recognized almost everywhere. And Paula Sievinen still hasn’t been forgotten.

– A couple of years ago in Porvoo, a man came to tell me that all these years he has been thinking about how I took such a damn stupid man as Lasse Sievinen, Nurmimaa recalls a special encounter.

He says that he was so surprised that he couldn’t answer anything.

Nurmimaa states that Paula’s character almost invariably attracted positive attention and thoughts. You couldn’t say the same for all the characters, even with a good will.

– At first, when the face was on the screen all the time, the amount of visibility was downright insane. It was difficult to leave the series – after all, it had almost been a way of life. On the other hand, it was a relief when the constant recognition faded, says Nurmimaa.

Coffin scenes

Johanna Nurmimaa with her colleagues Markku Pulli and Timo Jurka behind the scenes in 2014. John Palmen

One of the most dramatic scenes in “Secret Lives” revolves around Paula.

Distraught Eero (Teemu Lehtilä) built a coffin where he put the pregnant Paula “safely”. Viewers thought for a long time that Paula was buried in a coffin on the ground. Eero hid the chest under the floor. The densely atmospheric plot pattern spoke to fans of the series for a long time.

– We first filmed at the cemetery. Even though the environment was creepy, the film crew had a lot of fun. I had a giant pillow under my coat (as a pregnant belly). Eero drugged “me” and dragged him to the grave, Nurmimaa recalls.

He states that some understood the plot so that Paula would be buried alive.

– In people’s imaginations, it was scarier when it was misunderstood, says Nurmimaa.

The coffin scenes and the finding of Paula were followed by one of the most sensitive scenes that has remained in the actor’s mind.

– Paula gave birth and we had a very small baby on the set. I got her by my side in the Salkkari studio, Nurmimaa recalls with warmth in her voice.

Johanna Nurmimaa is currently working on mental well-being. MTV3

Paulan Sievinen will be seen on TV on 19.12., on C More on 16.12. Salatut elämät weekdays at 19:30 on MTV Katsomo and MTV 3 channel. Episodes can be watched earlier on C More. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Salatut lämät stars surprised last year with a music video that breathes nostalgia.
