Johanna changed the life of Renny Harlin

The film director is so in love that she moves to tears about her wife and future baby.

The Harlins do not hide their happiness. MTV

Film director Renny Harlin, 63, and his JohannaThe Harlins series about the life of his wife, 28, allows viewers to follow the couple’s fast-paced life in Finland and around the world.

This is the first reality TV series Renny has agreed to. Numerous people have been asked in the past, he has always said no.

– But when Johanna and I started planning a common future and a proposal came from the series, we looked at each other and found that if not now, then when, Renny sums up the program for the start of the press conference.

– We are privileged if anyone wants to follow our lives at all! he continues.

Renny knows life isn’t always easy – either for him.

– However, our lives are fabulous and wonderful now, and this is all due to love. With our own series, we want to bring positivity and good energy to people. That was the reason we went along.

Immediately clear

The couple met two years ago in the summer, led by Renny Class meeting 3 from the film. Johanna played a role in the film.

The dating began in September of the same year.

– Johanna came to Bulgaria to me, and as a sign of our togetherness we got a dog.

– Our values ​​met and it was immediately clear to both that we want to be together for the rest of our lives, Renny tells Iltalehti.

– Yes, we knew we wanted to get engaged and get married somewhere. And then Renny touched me back in February. It was a big surprise, but it felt really right, Johanna continues.

At this point in the interview, Renny moves to tears next to his wife and bends down to kiss this one.

Life with fast forward

The series starts with the couple’s Bulgaria stage. Johanna, who spends a disciplined fitness life, is preparing for the race and Renny is focusing on directing her new film.

In the next episodes of the series, we get a glimpse into the work in the film industry, the fitness competitions and the couple’s wedding preparations. In between, summer is celebrated in Finland. At the end of the series, the Harlins already live in Greece.

– The series covers our whole lives! It describes both the engagement, the wedding, the life in Bulgaria, London and Greece and the wonderful surprise when Johanna announced that she was pregnant, Renny sums up.

The lives of the Harlins have progressed like a fast-rewind film. However, it is not terrible for either.

– I think somewhere in between that people might be dating for up to seven years before they get married. Personally, I think decisions are worth making when you feel good, Renny says.

– For us, this has all happened naturally, Johanna sighs.

Renny and Johanna’s relationship has progressed at a rapid pace, but it’s neither terrible. MTV

Permanent base

The calculated time for the baby girl is in July. He is born in Miami, USA, where the Harlins move in May.

The children’s room is unfurnished because there is no home yet.

– We’ve looked at our favorite places and we have a real estate agent who takes care of things. Next month, we’ll lock in where we’re moving, Renny says.

– There are plans for the interior of the children’s room. For example, Renny has promised to paint a fairytale world there, Johanna continues.

The couple, who have traveled around and moved from one temporary home to another, want a permanent base in Miami.

– I have spent my touring life almost my whole life. Before meeting Johanna, I lived in China for five years.

– I feel that now I start all over again with Johanna and our children. We create a reality that is our life, Renny says.

The family is reportedly growing. Harlins dream of having five children in common.

A dream come true

Renny has lived in the United States for a long time before. Los Angeles has already been seen, so the pair will draw between New York and Miami. Mia’s climate and friends took the win.

– You can also work well from there, Johanna interrupts.

– Yes, Johannahan has been working with me all the time. We leave at half past six in the morning and come home at seven in the evening. Johanna is a bouncy producer. She tells people how things are done, Renny talks about Johanna’s role as a work partner.

You can see from all this that Renny is a man in love. During the video call, she touches and kisses his wife and moves in tears twice.

There is no end to crying when Renny talks about how Johanna has changed her whole life.

– This has been my dream. I grew up in a happy family, but my father stayed away from me.

– I’ve always dreamed that I could create a wonderful and safe family atmosphere, have children and see how they grow and experience, learn and understand … Renny gets what he says about his tears.

Father and son

Renny is 24 years old Lukea boy who was born in a one-night relationship with an assistant.

– I have tried to be as good a father to Luke as it has been. In practice, I’ve only been on weekends and that hasn’t always been easy either.

– But the fact that Luke came to work on my film a couple of years ago and is now my assistant director changed everything in our relationship. We have developed the love and trust I have dreamed of, Renny says.

Everything changed

The instructor moves more and draws oxygen in between.

– I had already given up in a certain way and thought that creating a solid family relationship was not possible for me.

– Then Johanna came into my life and changed everything. And I’m not just talking about loving each other and having a baby, Johanna has even changed my entire career! Even my films are now much better and deeper because I have found a purpose in my life, Renny says, wiping away his tears.

The man apologizes for his movement and further clarifies that he is crying for joy and not grief.

– My life values ​​have changed. Before, I imagined I was the center of the world. Through Johanna, I understand that life is completely different, Renny sums up.

Renny and Johanna’s Myy dog ​​will also be seen in the series. MTV

The Harlins will start on mtv on April 27th. Episodes of the whole week can be viewed at once.
