Johan Derksen vomited by Dotan’s mother’s dogs: ‘Bah’

The row of Johan Derksen haters is getting a bit longer. Dotan’s mother’s dogs don’t like him either. “When he comes into the picture, they immediately run away.”


Patty Harpenau, writer and mother of troll singer Dotan, is in the famous section Buis & Haard of the VARA guide. Every week a different celebrity, sometimes with his or her partner, talks about the TV offer. This time the readers will find out what Patty’s zappers and road zappers are. And her dogs…

Dogs from Patty

64-year-old Patty lives with her dogs Jan, Door, Hugo and Harry in Breukeleveen. “I like to watch TV with my dogs,” she says. “They are very clear about their likes and dislikes. They invariably fall asleep on a boring talk show like Op1.”

Patty always puts on the Teletext subtitles especially for her dogs. “Woman Jan even reads the subtitles. Then her head moves from left to right. So droll.”

Running away from John

Patty’s dogs are not fans of Today Inside. “They are unanimous about Johan Derksen. When he comes into view and starts talking, they walk away. They don’t like to cheat.”

Who likes those dogs? “Recently we were all watching Freek Vonk with a monitor lizard. Well, then they go crazy, jump over the couch, on the cupboard, a madhouse. Those are the moments when I have to intervene. Jan starts wagging at Beau’s and then I feel that she says: ‘there he is, Beau, the sweetheart’.”

Crazy about Jort

Okay, on to Patty herself. Which TV star is she a fan of? “I would love to be in a pub with Beau. If Jort were to join me, I would be a little scared. Afraid, because Jort can be a bit cynical. Now I am anything but a scared woman, far from it, but I am one-knowing.”

She continues: “If I saw Jort walking into that café, I would think: ‘What the f*ck, there you have Jort’. But I think he’s unique, huh! The scariest thing seems to me if he asked to come into his Op1. I would find it annoying if he would be cynical about my work. And I run that risk with Jort. (…) But I would go.”
