Johan Derksen tips TV duo Marcel and Gijs to switch to SBS 6

Johan Derksen tips the TV duo Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman for a switch to SBS 6. They are suitable to follow the Johnny de Mol talk show HLF8, according to the VI star.


A few weeks ago, Marcel van Roosmalen and Gijs Groenteman were given a big twist in Today Inside. René van der Gijp completely chopped up their program Media Inside, which they present every Sunday evening on NPO 3. His colleague Johan Derksen seems to think very differently about this.

Successor of Johnny

Those two would be extremely suitable to follow up on the Johnny de Mol talk show HLF8, Johan believes. He says he has spoken with John de Mol. “Look, they are now looking for a smooth presenter, a Wilfred Genee type, to do that HLF8,” he says.

In a fit of mental bewilderment, one media celebrity tipped Jeroen van der Boom as his successor, but according to Johan that will not be him. “That singer is nonsense, he was not a candidate either, but they are just looking for someone. What is the effect? Then you get the same program. That man or that woman has to alternate with Hélène.”

Gijs and Marcel

Gijs and Marcel are suitable, says Johan. “Yesterday I was watching that Media Inside and I think: that Gijs Groenteman cannot present, Marcel van Roosmalen is very slow and cynical, they are not at all suitable for such a program, but because it is so bad, it is kind of a cult and it is very pleasant to watch.”

He continues: “If you put those two at 7.30 and they can get nice guests themselves, because people do want to sit with those two – they like that, then you get a completely different program than all those normal talk shows that all have the same to be. You set yourself apart and I think that can be very successful.”

‘Much too elitist’

Do those men fit in with SBS 6? “Yes, of course”, says Johan.

Dinner guest Özcan Akyol thinks otherwise: “No, I don’t think so. I think he is far too elitist for the SBS viewers.”

Johan: “I don’t think so, because they are elitist because they are at 3, but they don’t behave elitist at all. They behave very normally. My wife likes the program. That’s all I do with my wife; watch Media Inside. Then we really enjoy that program. It’s really nice and relaxed.”


The remarkable thing is that Johan takes it all very seriously. “We have actually proven that if you make TV a little outside the rules, there is room for that. I think the same goes for those two. In a different way, but I think it fits SBS. It would also be brave of SBS.”

René van der Gijp is not enthusiastic. “I have to tell you quite honestly that I don’t watch it often.”

Wilfred Genee: “No, I haven’t seen it much either.”

René: “It’s not quite my program.”


Özcan: “But Johan is right: that Gijs Groenteboer cannot present, so if that is a condition, then they have to come.”

Johan: “No, but you are now saying it in a hateful way. He cannot present well, but he is very good.”

Özcan: “Not being able to present?”

Johan: “No, he does ask the question, he feels the atmosphere very well, but you apparently never like someone who is in the competitive atmosphere. I think they are an excellent couple.”

Özcan: “I really like him on the radio, but not on TV.”


Johan: “No, but it is cult.”

Özcan: “Yes, no, when it comes to the atmosphere, it’s possible.”

Johan: “I think it is a very cozy table and of course you miss that at all times at HLF8.”

Özcan: “I don’t think he’s a good television presenter, Gijs Groenteboer, but he does appear on the radio and in the podcast.”
