Johan Derksen sings tone lower after embarrassing TV failure: ‘My mistake’

Johan Derksen seems to have been shocked by the negative reactions to his embarrassing TV discussion with Angela de Jong. He suddenly sings in a lower tone: “It was my fault. I was unclear.”

© SBS 6

It is one of the most embarrassing moments in the history of Today Inside: the downfall of Johan Derksen during his discussion with Angela de Jong in the broadcast of the day before yesterday. Johan is known for extremely fanatically defending his boss John de Mol and his family, but that is starting to turn seriously against him.

‘I was unclear’

Johan tried to put Angela away as someone who is conducting a smear campaign against Johnny de Mol, but his evidence was laughably bad. Angela subtly pointed out that Johan, in particular, was initially oversimplified about Johnny. When he is confronted with those images, he stammers: “So we didn’t have the information about what it really was then.”

A night later, so last night, Johan suddenly sings a little lower. “Yes, it was my fault. I was unclear. I was just unclear. I didn’t put my arguments in the spotlight and then it wasn’t a good conversation.”

Reet van De Mol

Colleague Wilfred Genee: “You’ve been up John de Mol’s ass all day, you just said.”

Johan: “Yes, and that’s why I was so tired. That takes a lot of energy.”

Table guest Job Knoester: “It went on for a while and at one point it was like rubbing a stain. I kind of had that idea.”

Johan: “Yes, you know: it’s that simple, isn’t it? It’s very simple.”

Wilfred: “Oh, now someone is going to be right, isn’t it?”

Johan: “No, not at all, but what I actually wanted to say was: Angela has repeatedly reported in her column that Johnny de Mol may be charged with manslaughter…”

Wilfred: “That’s a fact.”

‘Not fair’

Johan: “And that is a fact. She continued to do so when we informed her that it was based on a blackmail case.”

Wilfred: “Yes, but that was your opinion and your story, what you had heard, right?”

Johan: “Yes, but it was true, because now that blackmail case is being investigated by the Public Prosecution Service and when Johnny was dismissed, thus acquitted, Angela never spoke a word about it again. Then I think: and that was my point, I didn’t think that was fair.”

Job: “But that’s not a reproach that you should make Angela, I think, but the media as a whole. Every time people are accused, everyone is on top of it, but if a case is dropped, then…”

Johan: “Not a letter. Anyway, Angela is here and she had spoken to those columns, but the newspapers in general have not reported it and I think that is very unfair to Johnny.”

Again nonsense from Johan: really all media have reported that the declaration against Johnny has been dropped. Of the NOS until The Telegraph up to Angela’s AD.

The mole hatred?

Johan then starts again about the Mopjes: “But Wilfred: what I actually find most striking – that is not that you are having a very bad discussion here, that can happen once in a while – but that the fact that it is about the De family Mol goes… The De Mol family is so hated and I don’t understand why. They are rich and then you are always a bit suspicious of course.”

Wilfred: “Do you really think it looks like that?”

Johan: “Well, everyone is starting to talk about the fact that I’m up the De Mol family’s ass.”

Wilfred: “But you tell me that yourself.”

Johan: “Yes, as a joke. I’m not angry about it either, but Johnny is a bad boy who makes nice programs and doesn’t hurt anyone. Linda (…) makes sweet stories on TV and has the bad luck that her husband is the g**l cousin and that is now under investigation.”

“You’re fanatical!”

Job: “Well, sweet little stories? She drops a lamp on someone’s head.”

Johan: “Yes, nonsense! You can’t take that seriously, can you? And John de Mol makes entertainment that is not spent on me and you cannot say that he is not successful. Those people aren’t hurting anyone. Why does everyone hate that family?”

Wilfred: “I think that is not too bad, to be honest, but I do notice – and I mean: that is not meant in a bad way – that you are always very fanatical with John and the rest of the family. I have rarely seen you so fanatically as in this situation.”

Johan: “I have absolutely nothing to do with this family. We see John three times a year when there is a conversation.”

René intervenes

Then René van der Gijp intervenes with Johan. “Yes, but Johan: it is generally the case that people who, say, perform excessively like John and Linda, that people think it’s great when they get a slap in the face. I mean, that goes for us too. (…) You can do nothing about that.”

Johan: “Those De Mols are well-to-do, but they aren’t brats and they don’t hurt anyone. Leave those people alone!”

Wilfred: “Tall trees catch a lot of wind, Johan. That’s just how it works and that applies to everything and everyone.”
