Johan Derksen refuses an apology, Talpa is ‘extremely shocked’

Johan Derksen refuses to apologize after his confession on live television that he penetrated an unconscious woman with a large candle. “I’m not withdrawing a word from it.”

© William Rutten, VI Today

Johan Derksen’s confession that he has penetrated an unconscious woman with a large candle in the past has caused a lot of fuss. Many people are disgusted by the statements and think that the football connoisseur should be taken off the tube. He himself shrugs his shoulders at the criticism.

Johan refuses to apologize

Johan late to it AD know that he refuses to apologize. “I will not withdraw a word from it, nor do I apologise. It is a childhood sin that I confessed, which made me vulnerable. I’m not proud of it, but I said what I said. It happened in the zeitgeist of that time.”

Although it is King’s Day, his talk show Today Inside is on the channel tonight. He will come back to what exactly happened that night, but that’s it for him. “Tonight all talk shows will be richly filled with sharp ladies who think something about it.”

Talpa responds

John de Mol’s Talpa Network provides a brief response to Johan’s statements. “We are very shocked by the statements of Johan Derksen. This is a serious matter that we are going to look at carefully. We will talk to Johan as soon as possible.”

Well-known lawyer Richard Korver thinks it’s John’s turn, he tweets. “The total lack of morality and decency should, in my opinion, lead to a strong reaction. There is no need for a woman to report this. Right John?”

Journalist Ton F. van Dijk: “Exactly: John de Mol himself must respond to this. Counter or no counter.”

Angela de Jong

Angela de Jong, regular guest in Today Inside, seems to drop out of the program. “It will be dismissed as a joke to calm things down. That’s the easiest of course. Satire, you know. Doesn’t take away that it was disgusting,” she writes in her AD column.

She seems to have lost quite a bit of respect for Johan. “I never thought that Johan Derksen could sink so deep.”

black day

WNL boss Bert Huisjes speaks of a ‘black day’ for Talpa. He thinks that Johan should be taken off the tube immediately:
