Johan Derksen reacts to Paul de Leeuw’s departure: ‘Was our choice!’

Johan Derksen thinks it is silly that Paul de Leeuw announces with so much fanfare that he no longer wants to sit down in Today Inside. “This was not Paul’s choice at all.”

© SBS 6

Paul de Leeuw was seen a number of times as a table guest in Today Inside, but well before the candle riot he suddenly disappeared from the program. There was some friction between Paul and the men of VI, especially when he started recording it live on the broadcast for his good friend Jeroen van der Boom. According to VI, he is a slime dress.

Paul clashes at VI

René van der Gijp in particular was annoyed by Paul’s performance. He more or less reminded him not to go against Johan Derksen (‘that’s not the format’): “Last time Paul wanted to convince Johan that he was wrong, but that didn’t make much sense. But that is not our program at all.”

Now Paul claims that he left VI of his own accord well before the candle riot. “I stopped a little earlier because I thought: I think I’m getting into a quagmire of opinions, where I’m drawn into, which I don’t want. That eventually happened with Steven Brunswijk.”

Johan responds

Johan now says to The Telegraph that Paul is talking from his neck. Reporter Jordi Versteegden: “I called Johan and he said: ‘Yes, but this was not Paul’s choice at all, but a choice of our editors of Today Inside, because we no longer thought he really suited the program.’ It’s a bit like Paul’s word to Johan.”

It is a bit silly that Paul is now announcing this with so much fanfare, Johan thinks. “Johan also calls Paul bland, because Paul said in the podcast that he is not allowed to give his opinion, ‘because that is not the format’, and: ‘It should mainly be about Johan’s opinion.’”

Paul responds

Johan is disappointed in Paul. “What Johan calls especially bland is that Paul says that he was not allowed to give his opinion, because he is indeed allowed to do that in that program.”

And what does Paul say? “I also spoke to Paul today from his holiday home in Spain, where I believe he also has his own house and he says: ‘I think we thought exactly the same. I agreed with the editor that we should not move forward together.’”


Paul and Johan in better times:
