Johan Derksen: lawyer beats Thierry Baudet with a dictionary

If Thierry Baudet continues his declaration against Johan Derksen for his liquidation remark, this declaration will immediately fail. That is what Derksen stated on Thursday evening in the Today Inside program. Derksen said in Wednesday’s broadcast that Baudet had to be liquidated. He said right after the comment that it was a slip of the tongue.

Forum for Democracy wrote a statement on social media on Wednesday to prepare for this comment. Derksen is convinced that Baudet does not stand a chance if he decides to proceed with the report.

Co-host Wilfred Genee showed how many different meanings the word liquidate can have. “If he is stupid enough to file a complaint, then a lawyer will come with the Van Dale and say: well, just say it,” Derksen said.

The football analyst calls the noise that has arisen “staggering”. “It seems as if half of the Netherlands is waiting for someone to say something that you can put your finger on.”
