Jogger discovers body of missing teenage girl in province of Liège, sister (2) safe and sound in suspect’s car | Interior

A jogger discovered the remains of a missing girl (14) yesterday along a forest path in Ougrée (province of Liège). According to him, her body was under a large boulder. She had reportedly accepted an unknown 37-year-old man’s offer to go shopping. Her 2-year-old sister, who was also missing, was found safe and sound in his car. It was located ten kilometers away in Plainevaux, a sub-municipality of Liège Neupré. The suspect was also found dead nearby. The two sisters had been missing since Thursday.

The body of the Seraing man was discovered around 8 am. According to the first findings, he would have taken his own life. A few minutes later, the 2.5-year-old girl was found in the man’s vehicle. She is in good health.


Later in the morning, about ten kilometers north along a forest path in Ougrée, the lifeless body of another girl was found. The cause of death is unknown, but it is thought to be intentional manslaughter. The girl’s age has also not been confirmed, but according to SudPresse she was fourteen. The two facts – in Plainevaux and Ougrée – are said to be related. SudPresse reports that a bag belonging to the oldest girl was also found in the man’s car.

The two girls come from Anderlecht and had been reported missing since Thursday. According to a police source, it concerns two sisters. The man would have approached the elder of the two on social media and suggested they go shopping. She would have accepted the offer and taken her little sister with her. The man “has no relationship whatsoever” with the two girls.

“I thought it was a mannequin at first”

Benjamin (27) discovered the teenage girl’s body when he was jogging. “Suddenly I saw two feet lying five meters from the road. At first I thought it was a mannequin,” he says to his colleagues at SudPresse. “Strange that nobody stopped before me, because she was clearly visible. I immediately called the police and then my mother.”

“The woman from the emergency call center asked me to move closer to the victim so that I could see if she was still alive. I got to within a meter, but immediately saw that she had been killed.”

The victim was lying on her back and wearing clothes. “There was a large five-foot boulder on her chest and face. The blood on her face had dried and her body was stiff. I think the crime had happened just hours before,” concludes Benjamin.

Anyone with questions about suicide can contact the Suicide Line on the free number 1813 and on the website
