Joel Armia, 28, was the “prodigy” of the Finnish Championship League – is now a completely different player

By the way, a young man from Pori was one of the most talked about Finnish hockey players at the turn of the decade.

Joel Armia grew from a SM star teenager to an NHL veteran. Jussi Saarinen

Joppe, you’re a star.

The star is lit.

Hana, Wonder Army!

It has a few titles with Lions Joel Armia28, was described in Iltalehti in the period 2010–11, when the young man from Pori made his debut and breakthrough in the Finnish Championship League.

The bearded NHL millionaire, who grew up as a contemporary, mostly shudders when he hears what words have been used about him at the time.

– They don’t feel right at all. I probably haven’t read much of that stuff back then, Armia says.

– My passion and love has always been for hockey. No media attention or anything like that. For me, it’s basically exactly what the headlines say. I haven’t recalled them 10 years ago.

Different player

However, headlines are important to see the evolution of the Army’s career.

The striker struck through the Finnish Championship League at the beginning of the last decade as a large-scale and skillful scorer. He was spoken of in the same sentence a year older Mikael Granlundin with.

– That’s when it was fun to play hockey every day. I’m happy to have been able to play on good teams that have had a good team spirit. I got to enjoy hockey.

The army feels that it is largely the same type outside the pitch as the young man from Pori who made it through the SM league.

– In Kaukalo, thanks to the creator, something has changed, he says and laughs.

Ville Nieminen of Tappara and Joel Armia of the Aces fought in the spring 2013 finals of the Finnish Championship. The season ended with the Ace Championship. Mika Kanerva


The Army has now played nearly 400 regular season matches in the NHL, exactly 396, and 44 playoff games on top.

He was booked in the first round at number 16 in the Buffalo Sabers, where only one game was accumulated in two seasons. The road then took him to Winnipeg and from there to Montreal. NHL career earnings are estimated at $ 12 million gross.

In the NHL, the Army is no longer shining in the headlines. He has become a reliable workhorse in the lower chains. Of course, the points have come at a nice pace.

– In Winnipeg, my player profile started to change as I played in the quadruple and underpowered. As a young player, I had to at least take care not to play on my own. That’s when it went to more disciplined gaming.

The army now represents the Montreal Canadiens. AOP / USA TODAY SPORTS

Pointless mine

Aces Aki Uusikartano would boast in the fall of 2010 that “the Army has one of the best racket techniques I’ve seen in his peers”.

The Army does not feel that that young savvy who developed on the external ice has disappeared anywhere.

– Now I can use the skill in different places. It looks great when one of the ten “top mines” goes through, but if there is no goal, it won’t help the team. They’re probably nice for viewers, but I’ve learned to use the skill differently. It’s been nice.

However, a gambler would not be a gambler if he did not long for the number one chain and the superiority of the match solver …

– Everyone definitely wants to be solving the game, scoring goals. I don’t know if there is a guy who wouldn’t want to. I guess there will be those situations at some point.

Joel Armia

Born on May 31, 1993

Hailing from Pori

In the Finnish Championship 149 regular season matches, power points 55 + 45 = 100, Score average 0.67, cooling minutes 120

In the NHL 396 regular season games, power points 68 + 71 = 139, average points 0.35, cooling minutes 120
