Joe Westerman, who cheated on his wife, returned to the playing fields

Joe Westerman returned to the playing fields on Sunday.

Joe Westerman was man of the match but Castleford still lost. PDO

– Children can no longer see him playing because of the songs that are sung about him.

A rugby star embroiled in a sex scandal by Joe Westerman wife Lauren Westerman was right when he guessed that the man would be insulted in a low-style way in the games.

Hull FC fans had developed some really harsh lyrics about Westerman, which became evident when the man returned to the playing fields on Sunday in the ranks of Castleford Tigers.

Video clips of supporters’ songs are circulating on social media, in which Westerman is reminded of a man’s cell phone mess with a strange woman.

Westerman didn’t seem to be bothered by the insults, as the man arrived at the arena with a big smile and played in the starting line-up for Castleford Tigers.

– He’s fine. He’s Joe, he’s been himself, the Tigers coach by Lee Radford comment before the match

On the field, things worked in the usual style, which was of course disappointing for Hull fans.

– I thought he wouldn’t play. I thought he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the game. The most annoying thing about this was that he stung man of the match -level performance, one Hull supporter commented for the Daily Mail.

However, Westerman’s top shots did not help Castleford Tigers win, as Hull won the match 32–30.

The home fans couldn’t understand why Westerman was allowed to play.

– He is a dirty bastard. It was a disgrace that he played after what he had done to his wife and children, a Hull fan Natalie Chadwell rumbled.

According to Lauren Westarman, the woman her husband made out with in the dark alley was a real estate agent who was fired after the incident.

– The woman got a shoe from work. Why wasn’t he (Westerman) thrown out? I think this is a joke. Castleford said they gave him a fine but it’s nothing, Chadwell continued.

Castleford fans, on the other hand, supported Westerman.

– He was fined, and I don’t think he should be punished any more, Kayleigh Nash said.

– I think his private life should not prevent him from practicing his profession.
