Jodie Foster criticizes the attitude of young actors: “I’m not interested now”

Acting legend Jodie Foster wonders about the attitude of young actors.

Jodie Foster is an actress with a long career. His breakthrough happened in the 1976 film Taksikuski. Foster was only 13 years old at the time. PDO

An actor who made his breakthrough as a child Jodie Foster, 61, wonders what kind of attitude young people in their twenties who belong to the Z generation work with.

Foster says In an interview with the Guardian that they like to support younger colleagues, but there are sometimes challenges with people in their twenties.

– They might say that I’m not interested now, I’ll come to work at 10:30, Foster gives an example of slackers.

Another example is related to grammar.

– If I say their email is full of typos and ask if they didn’t check the spelling, their response is like “why would I do that, isn’t it kind of restrictive,” says Foster.

Foster has won the Academy Award twice in his career. She won the best actress Oscar in 1988 for the film Accused. The second Oscar came in 1991 for the film Sacrificial sheep.

Jodie Foster and Annette Bening in Nyad. Foster may win a Golden Globe for his role. PDO

Foster is now nominated to win the Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress for the film Nyad.

The Golden Globe will be awarded on Monday morning Finnish time. Aki Kaurismäki Dead leaves is nominated for Best Foreign Language Film.

Alma Püysti is nominated for Best Actress in a Musical and Comedy category for that film.
