Job day for women in West Flemish police school

Job day for women in West Flemish police school

There are about 60 interested people. In April there was another day for young people with the emphasis on diversity. Our province has a quarter of women in the police force, in East Flanders that is a third. The number is on the rise but could be even better. The combination of work and family, the duration of the education and the idea of ​​a macho culture is unjustifiably frightening.

In West Flanders, the police are still looking for about 200 people. This is due to problems with selection by the federal police. Some say it is due to staff shortages, others say it is because of the renewed procedure. The fact is that the candidates do not progress well to the police schools.

They want to organize the selection themselves in order to allow the candidates to progress better to the police schools. Not a good idea, says Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden, because then everyone would do things differently. But locally, something more can be done.
