Jip was shot at with an air rifle: ‘Bad boys or a cat hater?’

The five-year-old cat Jip van Gerdine from Eindhoven was shot with an air rifle. When he came home on Saturday, she petted him and felt a bump. “It was already dark. A tick, I thought. But when my daughter looked again the next day, it turned out to be a small bullet that had just got stuck in the skin.”

Jip wasn’t bleeding, but he behaved differently. “Normally he loves to be petted and brushed and now he’s pulling away. According to the vet we were very lucky. The bullet was on the surface and was easily removed.” Gerdine received the bullet. The cat’s hair is still on it.

Jip, a real outdoor cat, is indoors for the time being. “We don’t dare to let him out. He can now also go upstairs, so that he has more space. Fortunately he is doing well, he is eating and drinking normally and is lively, but we are afraid it will happen again.”

Because of the holiday, Gerdine has not yet filed a report. “We live in the Woenselse Heide district. I asked in the neighborhood app, but no one has seen anything and there are no other victims yet. Who’s doing this now? Bad boys or a real cat hater?”

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