Jim Bakkum posts holiday photos, angry about reactions: ‘Don’t do this!’

Jim Bakkum is quite upset after posting a whole series of holiday photos. Some followers recognize his location and post it below the photos. “Do not do this!”

© Dutch Filmworks, Instagram

Dutch celebrities have to show the whole world what exactly they are doing all day long. Jim Bakkum, who according to his wife Bettina Holwerda is the ‘dullest star’ in the Netherlands, also participates. He is currently on holiday with his family in France and is posting all kinds of pictures.

‘Do not do this!’

Jim therefore wants to extensively showcase where exactly he is celebrating his holiday, but does not want people to ask him about the location. Or worse, reveal that location. He immediately deleted all comments from people who recognized his destiny.

The singer passively aggressive: “Dear people, if we don’t put the location with our photos on vacation, won’t you also do that in the comments? thanksss! ❤️”

35 years

It’s a special holiday for Jim, because he turned 35 yesterday. “Thirty-five. I’ll write it in full again. That used to be old. And really full-full-mature. And now it’s me and I know all too well that this age isn’t ‘old’ at all.”

Will Bettina even know that? It’s been a while for her. The years begin to count for the couple. “Sometimes I don’t really know what I think about getting older. Sometimes I feel like all of us adults are playing “grown up” like the child we once were. (…) And yes, that can be a bit oppressive sometimes, isn’t it?”


Tout known The Netherlands is back at the front to congratulate Jim. there was that one post with all those holiday photos also meant for that. “Puppy! 50 here next month,” says Richard Groenendijk.

Jan Versteegh: “Congratulations, amigo!”

Leco van Zadelhoff: “Congratulations, nice man! X”

And Patty Brard: “Stop! You just came to see! Sincerely dearest darling! ❤️”


Jim and his vacation photos (location secret):
