Jezabelle Cormio and Marina Spadafora in Milan to talk about fashion, women and identity

Un meeting between women of different generations, Jezabelle Cormio and Marina Spadafora who questioned the concept of masculine and feminine.

“Strordinarie”, the photographic exhibition lands in Milan

From the show of Marina Spadafora From ’94 to today, many things have changedthe genre itself became the topic of discussion. The voice of the designer Cormio represents a contemporaneity which, if it is true that it has overcome stereotypes, it is equally true that it asks and poses new questions.

Broadening the discussion from gender identity, it emerged through the interview with Cormio, the still highly subordinate role of women in fashion. And then there is the issue of sustainability to which Marina Spadafopra now dedicates her daily action through Fashion revolution.

Among the fashion designers and Antonio Mancinelli, journalistwriter and critic of customs and society, moderated by Danda Santini, director of iO Donnathe ideas are many and the dialogue is open.

The appointment is on February 29th at 6.30pm at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milanfor the talk: Fashion, wearing identity. The event is open to all and free.

