Jey Mammón: “I don’t feel canceled”

the talk between Jay Mammon y NOTICIAS is scheduled to last a quarter of an hour, but the musician and comedian is interested in talking about the cancellation at length. He recounts that on his trip to Madrid, he kept a phrase from Andrés Calamaro, who wrote to show solidarity. “Canceled show level”. That this message was the trigger to write his story, and a handful of songs, which may become one-person: “Cancelled”.

News: Did they cancel it?

Jey Mammon: I don’t feel canceled, and I explain why. The cancellation covers more than one edge. And one of the most important edges has to do with the people, who are the ones who ultimately choose you. There I do not feel cancelled. I feel the hug much more than before. I’m not a reality denier neither. But I turn on the TV and I’m there. Being canceled is that you are not here. I’m.

News: What do they tell you on the networks?

Mammon: They love me, they accompany me. They tell me about my work, about “Los Mammones”, about what the program meant in a pandemic. There are also those who put themselves in the place of doubt, spite. But many do not stay with a single testimony or story.

News: Did the outlet cancel it?

Mammon: What the media and people who work in the media have – I learned it now that I’m colder – is that there are those who ate a toad, those who get carried away by the noise, those who hit me for acting in a corporate manner, and those who did it for bringing bread home. I learned not to judge. I don’t know how I would have acted.

News: Telefe pushed him away?

Mammon: I feel that there are things that are much stronger than what the channels can do. That people follow my story closely means that the cancellation does not reach its goal. Would it have been easier with that support? Yes, it would have been easier.

News: Did you feel the emptiness in the delivery of the Martín Fierro?

Mammon: They didn’t leave me alone at the table. I didn’t feel that. Jessica went home, and Rodrigo went to Georgina’s (Barbarossa) table.

News: Why was it?

Mammon: It was a night of reunion with some people. Far from being an act of defiance, I felt that I didn’t have to hide. And many people came to greet me knowing that they were looking at them. Although I did not go out on any plane. And I didn’t take a walk either because I’m aware. But it was one thing to go with your head held high. Because I have nothing to hide, I am innocent. I didn’t come back cryingnot sad And there was not a conflict in the Martín Fierro. Beyond the photo alone. Nothing bad happened. Nobody came to bitch me.

News: Did you get angry with journalists and programs?

Mammon: I’m in mediation, but I didn’t get mad at the media. I want you to see all the evidence. And I’m not questioning what they reported, but how they reported it.

News: Does your cancellation have a sexual orientation component?

Mammon: First there was a false complaint. And then what happened was so crude that it led to a moral debate. And here comes the part where I wonder if it has to do with a question of my sexual condition, and I think so. But I’m not going to debate it now. First I want to make things clear.

News: Will you return to TV?

Mammon: I know this has a happy ending. For the motor of the people.

News: Streaming?

Mammon: Two days before everything blows up, I had started watching Twitch. And I told a friend about it, that it was like going back to my origins. And she told me “why are you up there”. But now I don’t really know what I want. Time will tell.

by RN

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