Jewelers have a hard time due to more expensive lives: “Sales more than halved” | Economy

Johan Cazier is experiencing his “hardest period ever” as a jeweler, he tells VTM NIEUWS. According to Cazier, luxury products are hardly sold these days because people feel the crisis is weighing heavily on their wallets.


17 Apr. 2022


Cazier has to rely on repairs today. “They take an old jewel out of the closet and they notice that it still needs a small repair,” he says. That compensates for him a bit, but “the water is at his lips”, according to Cazier.

In addition, the costs for the jeweler also increase. Not only gas and electricity, but also precious metals such as gold have become more expensive. According to Cazier, it is still interesting for the customer to come up with gold themselves, which the jeweler can then melt down. “Then the customer only pays for the working hours and the design, but buying gold and then forging it has become an expensive operation.”

Sales of Cazier have more than halved in recent months. But the jeweler shows understanding for the response of its customers to the crisis. “I would also rather think of my family than of a luxury product.”

Jeweler Johan Cazier. © VTM News
