Jew hatred feared! Police bans Palestine demonstrations in Berlin

From BZ/dpa

Two Palestinian demonstrations in Berlin have again been banned by the police.

Both bans concern demonstrations planned this weekend in Berlin just before the annual Palestinian expulsion memorial day Nakba on May 15, a police spokesman said.

The reason given by the police was that there was a risk that the demonstrations could result in inflammatory and anti-Semitic slogans, outbreaks of violence and the glorification of violence.

► A demonstration on Sunday with the motto “Solidarity with the Palestinian people” was to move with 100 participants from Neukölln Town Hall to Hermannplatz.

► The second should take place at the Brandenburg Gate. A third demonstration on Saturday in Neukölln was canceled by the organizer, according to the police.

Another major demonstration by Palestinian groups is planned for Saturday (May 20) and is entitled: “Demonstration for the fundamental right to freedom of assembly and expression on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba”. The police have not yet made a decision on this.

Demos have been banned several times

In recent weeks, the police had banned several Palestinian demonstrations against Israel’s policies because they expected anti-Semitic slogans and violence. Courts had upheld the bans. Earlier on the Easter weekend, participants in a Palestine demonstration had shouted anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic slogans.

Every year on May 15, Palestinians commemorate the flight and expulsion of hundreds of thousands of people during the first Middle East war in 1948. On May 14, 1948, part of the British Mandate of Palestine became Israel. The Arab neighbors attacked the new state. Around 700,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled in the course of the fighting.

A year ago, hundreds of police officers were on duty in Neukölln around the day to enforce bans on Palestinian demonstrations.
