Jew-haters across Europe are mobilizing for a demonstration in Berlin

By Maren Wittge and Axel Lier

Will the violence escalate at the pro-Palestinian hate demonstration on Saturday? Israel haters across Europe are calling on people to gather in the center of Berlin. The police mobilize all available emergency and alarm units.

According to BZ information, the person who registered the march was a native Israeli who recently lost his job as a guide at the Jewish Museum. The reason: During his tours he described Israel as an apartheid state.

More than a dozen pro-Palestinian and left-wing radical clubs and associations are mobilizing. Participation is being encouraged throughout Europe, particularly via social networks. A police officer told BZ: “We expect at least anti-Israel chants, posters and banners. If the situation escalates and we have to intervene, there won’t be any pretty pictures.”

Two police officers lead away a demonstrator.  The officials will probably have their hands full on Saturday too

Two police officers lead away a demonstrator. The officials will probably have their hands full on Saturday too Photo: Spreepicture

After the recent bans on activities by Hamas and Samidoun, the police officially assume that the decision will lead to “emotionalization,” a police spokeswoman said on Thursday.

This means the police want to be able to intervene quickly

The “Freedom for Palestine” demo starts at 2 p.m. at the Neptune Fountain and moves along Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, Unter den Linden, Friedrichstraße, Leipziger Straße to Potsdamer Platz. It should end there around 7 p.m.

The demo procession goes from the Red Town Hall to Potsdamer Platz

The demo procession goes from the Red Town Hall to Potsdamer Platz Photo: BZ

According to the police, only 1,000 participants have registered, but it is unclear whether there will be more. Scene experts assume that up to 10,000 people could take part in the demonstration.

“We have prepared for this and will have enough emergency services on site,” claims a police spokeswoman. One thing is certain: the authority is mobilizing “everything that can still run,” says Stephan Weh, regional head of the police union (GdP). With a view to the riots and the number of operations in recent weeks, he warns: “The zenith has been passed. We can no longer do this on our own.”

It is still unclear whether the police should be supported from other federal states or by the federal police. The Berlin police are sending 15 of 17 operational units (EHu) into the city area. Two units that were on duty during the night are allowed to rest. In addition, all five alarm hundreds (AHu) are activated. Means: Police officers are being withdrawn from the sections in the neighborhoods.

Flash indictment after anti-Jewish demonstration

Meanwhile, the Berlin public prosecutor’s office has charged a 25-year-old in an accelerated procedure. The Italian is accused, among other things, of serious breach of the peace, attempted grievous bodily harm and physical assault on law enforcement officers.

On October 18th around 7:45 p.m. he is said to have belonged to a group of Jew-haters who chanted anti-Semitic and anti-Israel slogans and threw stones and bottles at police officers.
