Jetta Klijnsma about Prinsjesdag: There are indeed bright spots

King’s Commissioner Jetta Klijnsma already traveled to The Hague on Friday as part of Prinsjesdag. “I partly have personal agreements and I am there to plead the Drenthe case in The Hague. I always do that. In the House of Representatives and in the departments, that is essential. I know many people in The Hague. I have been there for a long time. And besides, private friendships sometimes also have to do with politics.”

In any case, the briefcase of Finance Minister Sigrid Kaag will contain a package of measures to repair purchasing power. Hundreds of thousands of people otherwise risk getting into financial trouble because of high inflation and the energy crisis. When asked what people on the market in Emmen expect from Prinsjesdag, the answer is unequivocal: that something is being done about the high energy prices.

Making a house more sustainable

“Some families are now having a very hard time. Energy bills can suddenly explode. I am very happy that it has already been leaked that the cabinet is going to do something about it. As a province, we can ensure that people can make their homes more sustainable just a little faster. with a small grant, they can get 2,500 euros to insulate their house, have double glazing installed and apply draft strips. If your house is well insulated, your gas bill will go down,” says Klijnsma.

She says hesitantly that the energy crisis also has a positive side. “Due to the insanely high gas price, we are getting rid of gas faster. As Johan Cruijff said: every gigantic disadvantage also has an advantage, I say very carefully. There is indeed transparency,” said the king’s commissioner.

Houses? Then also unlocking

In addition to the energy crisis, there is also a crisis in the housing market. According to Klijnsma, Drenthe can contribute to a solution. “Minister De Jonge has a lot of money available and I assume that part of that will also go to Drenthe. We do want to build houses here, but then Drenthe must be well accessible. We will continue to advocate for better train connections. If we can start constructing the Lower Saxony line and the Lely line. Three billion euros is available for the Lely line, but European money still needs to be added to realize it. We are constantly raising the wish with the department.”

Klijnsma also often approaches members of the House of Representatives to argue for the Drenthe case. “We will have to fundamentally interest many MPs in what is going on in the North. So that we always have at least 76 MPs who say: yes, we are going to give the North a helping hand. And cabinet: do your task and ensure that the North gets good houses, good train connections and employment. They are in my phone and I use them in some debates.”

Energy transition means work

Employment is not yet such an issue, but if the barracks leave Assen, that may be the case. “The barracks cannot be closed. In the debate before the summer, we saw that the State Secretary wants the barracks to close, but the House of Representatives has serious questions about this. We think it is important that employment remains on the barracks site. We will continue to discuss this. in conversation with the State Secretary. We are knocking on the door of all ministries to see what can come to Drenthe. And there are still new debates on this subject,” says Klijnsma. In any case, the Transport and Support Service should remain.

In addition, the province is trying to bring government services to Drenthe. Klijnsma: “At the moment there is no immediate need for extra jobs because of the shortage on the labor market. But that goes with wave movements. If the labor market dips again, we must ensure that activity comes here so that everyone can The energy transition from fossil to sustainable energy creates all kinds of jobs. We also attract companies that are involved in the circular economy, the reuse of our raw materials.”

Repeated message

Another point that is constantly raised in The Hague from Drenthe is the wish for the reverse burden of proof for residents living in the vicinity of the gas storage in Norg. This ensures that people do not have to prove that damage to their homes is caused by the gas storage.

“The members of the Provincial Executive and the Provincial Council are all going to the State to argue for the same reversed burden of proof as in Groningen. Because the problems do not stop at the provincial border. That is our message to the ministers and state secretaries. there will be another debate in the House of Representatives and then we will also bring that message to the MPs again. Because that message is essential. We must keep insisting that the provincial boundary does not apply underground. Equal monks, equal hoods. There are always more MPs who do listen to the reversed burden of proof.”

Arranging joint care

And then there is the asylum crisis to which the Commissioner is trying to find a solution. Last year, Klijnsma called on municipalities in Drenthe to come up with extra reception places for asylum seekers and status holders. They barely came. De Wolden indicated that he did not see any possibilities and Aa and Hunze are not eager either. Only after strong pressure from State Secretary Eric van der Burg, 450 extra reception places will be added nationwide. In other words, 38 per municipality. A number that is worth considering. “I think so too and I don’t want to say more about it,” she says firmly.

Klijnsma points out that Drenthe already receives an above-average number of asylum seekers. “We have large centers in the large cities. Drenthe is really not doing it wrong. But not all municipalities are indeed participating with the same enthusiasm, I have also noticed that. It may also be a bit more difficult for small municipalities. You can designate intermunicipal places and Everyone will contribute to this. The cabinet is now introducing a law that will soon make reception compulsory. In addition, flexible housing or interim shelter for status holders must be created quickly. So I call on all municipalities in the Netherlands to start arranging that now. “

cycling party

Klijnsma would like to conclude on a positive note, because it is not all doom and gloom. “Next year, European cycling will be on the road to Drenthe in September, with a lot of international attention. As far as I’m concerned, we will make it a big party. organized.”

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