Jethro Rostedt amazed with his slender appearance

Rostedt is relaxed about weight loss.

Jethro Rostedt began a lifestyle change after visiting a doctor. Henri Kärkkäinen

Real estate agent and TV face Jethro Rostedt caught the attention of Some after publishing a fresh picture of himself.

Slender Rostedt says he’s stuck with a lifestyle change he started a couple of years ago. In the picture, she is standing in sunny scenery wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

– By the way, the fitness course has gone quite brilliantly, even though the fast Jaffa go every now and then, the man writes On Instagram.

– To all those who are skinny know that don’t be too harsh on yourself, it won’t be any longer, nor will it be anything shorter. Cheer to everyone to lose weight!

The desire for change once started with a medical examination.

– All my values ​​were to hell and the doctor said something had to be done or else out of the next turn. I guess everyone wants to live to be old, Rostedt tells Iltalehti.

Walking and beer

For Rostedt, the most significant factor in weight loss was the reduction in eating.

– I am not a nutritionist, but I do not believe in regular meals, which are always glowed. If he tends to gain weight and has to think about food every three hours, think of nothing else throughout the day, he ponders.

– I eat everything, but in a sensible way. If you eat a carrot for the rest of your life, it won’t last. I think everything needs to be eaten to stay happy and refreshed. The amount of food is the deciding factor for me. Beer is consumed in the same way as before, but I also want to enjoy it.

Rostedt doesn’t demand too much of himself in maintaining a lifestyle change. Henri Kärkkäinen

Rostedt is also gracious to himself in terms of exercise.

– I walk every day for 30-45 minutes, I can’t stand running. Sometimes I use gym equipment, that kind of basic mindset, he describes his routines.

It was once difficult to start exercising.

– The first weeks were very frustrating, but when I got to the rhythm, I feel bad if I don’t move. Today, I am already addicted to exercise, he says.

Rostedt has received a lot of positive comments about his transformation in Some, but doesn’t give them too much value.

– It doesn’t matter terribly what people say in the soma, but in their own being, he says.

Jethro Rostedt has spoken openly about her alcohol use in the Uncensored Day Care program.
